Hi beautiful, today I'm gonna share to you my review about Holika's Pig 🐷 Nose Clear Blackhead 3 Step Kit.
Holika Holika is a Korean cosmetic retailer owned by ENPRANI Co.Ltd. Holika Holika derives from the English suffix "-holic" , means addiction and Korean "holida" means temptation to form the brand name and it's concept.
For me I enjoyed nose packing more than face masking cause I love to see my whiteheads and blackheads sticks to the nose strip and say "whoah that's all the gunk on my nose pores". And seeing that my nose is clear after feels satisfying too.
I also love 3 Step than the ordinary nose strips cause it's less irritating than the ordinary one.
The packaging is simple and cute and I'm glad that it's instructions and ingredients are written in English.
Pore Clearing Effect
It's the step where " it gently removes sebum and blackheads on pores".
The patch type strip is soak of clear watery essence and soft similar to mask sheets.The smell was light and refreshing and very similar to Sprite Soda scent.
I let it on my nose for 20 minutes and after I removed it there's a little amount of sebum I can see on my nose.I wipe it with tissue and wet my nose again to prep for step 2.
Powerful Nose Pack Sticker
It's said to be " effectively removes blackheads and dead skin cells".
This nose adhesive strip is thick yet softens (just like other nose strips) when being contact to wet surface of the nose the scent was like tobacco (I think all adhesive nose strips that I encountered are like that).
After 15 minutes and the strips is very sticky to remove, I suggest to take it off earlier than 15 minutes cause my nose becomes slightly reddish.
And the result is tadah!
I can't see blackheads out there,just a few of my whiteheads.
Pore Tightening Effect
This step 3 is for "soothes pores and gives skin clean finishing feeling".
This nose strip is made of clear jelly sheet with lots of clear viscous soothing essence.The scent is pretty similar to Step1.It doesn't fail to soothe my skin for 15 minutes. My skin nose feels smooth and soft after I removed it.
This 3 Step Nose Pack is nice to use, the patch strips adheres will to my skin except the step 1 which tends to slide on my nose cause of too much watery essence.They also have a great fit due to it's pre-cut design.However the result in terms of removing blackheads is not that great,I can still see pesky blackheads on my nose pores (but maybe it could work for you) so I can rate this 4 🌟. I still love the result of Elizavecca Milky Piggy 3 step nose pack more but don't get me wrong this one is also good.😄
How about you? What's your fave Nose Packs?Share it to me on the comment section.
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